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Minecraft玩家有福了 Mojang将专攻我的世界!

时间:2015-06-30 20:04| 点击: 次 | 编辑:红警之家 | 来源:红警之家-minecraft专区

  来自Scrolls 官方论坛论坛的消息称:在以后的日子里Mojang将暂停Scrolls的游戏开发,而会将更多的精力投入到我的世界(Minecraft)和Cobalt中,这下全世界的Minecraft玩家有福了!


  Mojang 并没有明确说明 Scrolls 停止开发的原因,只是含糊其辞地说游戏已经无法继续开发。各位阴谋论者也不用胡猜了,有巨硬强大的经济实力垫背,Mojang 停止开发 Scrolls 很可能是游戏本身的问题。

  Scrolls 是由 Mojang 开发的一款卡牌游戏。由于楼主并没有玩过,就不详细介绍了。想要了解详情可以访问 Scrolls 官方论坛 或 Wikipedia 。

  有兴趣的可以阅读 全文 以及翻译:


  深思熟虑之后,我们做下了一个重要的决定:Echoes 将会是 Scrolls 的最后一个主要内容补丁。我们将不会继续添加新的功能或套装,但是我们仍然会尽量保持游戏的平衡性。

  Scrolls 目前将依然开放购买,我们的游戏服务器也会至少运行至 2016年7月1日。以后我们的工作将会是尽量保持 Scrolls 的可玩性。

  Scrolls 的 beta 版本发布十分成功。每天有数以万计的玩家上线,其中有许多时至今日仍然活跃。不幸的是,Scrolls 已经来到了无法继续进行持续性开发的阶段。

  我们开发组十分享受开发游戏的过程,并且想向每一个下载了我们的游戏的玩家致谢。我们要特别感谢一下那些在 Scrolls 论坛上最活跃的会员,你们中的一些几乎自发布的每天来都坚持上线,并且花了很多的时间占领积分榜和帮助新玩家。向你们致敬,我们光荣的 Scrolls 玩家们!


Hi everyone,

After much deliberation, we’ve come to an important decision that we’d like to share: Echoes will be the last major content patch for Scrolls. We won’t be adding features or sets from now on, though we are planning to keep a close eye on game balance.

Scrolls will still be available to purchase for the time being, and our servers will run until at least July 1st, 2016. All future proceeds will go towards keeping Scrolls playable for as long as possible.

The launch of the Scrolls beta was a great success. Tens of thousands of players battled daily, and many of them remain active today. Unfortunately, the game has reached a point where it can no longer sustain continuous development.

We’ve had a great time working on Scrolls, and appreciate every last player who’s downloaded our game. Extra big thanks to the most dedicated members of our community; some of you have logged in almost every day since release and dedicated a large portion of your time to dominating the leaderboards and taking care of new players. We salute you, honourable scrolldiers.

We will do our best to answer any questions you might have on the standard channels.

