红警之家- 我的世界- 侠盗飞车5- 拳皇(KOF)- 实况足球- 安卓游戏


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时间:2017-07-16 07:39| 点击: 次 | 编辑:红警之家 | 来源:红警之家-minecraft专区

  And a glass bottle. Once crafted use it on a water source to fill it up!



  3 glass blocks


  And you’ll need a host of reagents to make and modify various concoctions. Base ingredients create the first stage of your potion. Nether wart is the base for nearly every potion in the game. The Fermented Spider’s Eye will only make a potion of weakness. You can use other bases ingredients, but you won’t make anything useful. Secondary ingredients (sugar, magma cream, spider eyes, rabbit feet, puffer fish, golden carrots, glistering melons, blaze powder and ghast tears) then define the effect of the potion, and tertiary ingredients (redstone dust, glowstone dust, gunpowder, dragon’s breath, fermented spider eyes) will modify it.



  Once you've assembled all the ingredients you need for a heady brew, click on your brewing stand to bring up the brewing interface. You'll have to fuel the stand with some blaze powder - you'll see that part of the diagram starts glowing a hot orange. Now put a water-filled flask in one of the three slots at the bottom of the apparatus and some nether wart in the top. You'll see a progress bar start to fill up - you're brewing up an Awkward Potion! It's the essential base for nearly every potion recipe in the game. Once the progress bar is done, and you have an awkward potion in hand, put it right back in the apparatus where you had it the first time for the second stage of brewing. Now you can add one of a large number of reagents at the top for a variety of effects. In the example below, we've added a Ghast Tear. That'll give you a Potion of Regeneration. Handy!

